Thursday, 22 April 2021

Sunny Days

Week Commencing 19th April 2021

Monday saw a cold start to the day but eventually the Sun was beating down on the volunteers who attended. 
It had the feel of a Gardening day .quite a few had brought in their spare plants and flowers that had not been or required in the gardens at home .

 On platform 2 Tony gave the grass the first cut of the year.


Peter after planting his plants was seen strimming around the existing plants on the car park embankment.

Pat and Brian did the upper reaches leaving it all looking neat and tidy.

To stop Pat from mowing over the newly planted shurbs ,  flowers etc , Peter Q decided to put white sticks near the plants , hoping they would be seen better and not get damaged !

After a hard hour or so, its time to relax in the sun and maybe talk about life.

Else where Dave was in the Booking Hall swapping over the temporary notice board for a more authentic look one, made by Jo.

Afterwards Dave and Ian were back down the workshop working on the  " Hayles Board."

A second coat of primer on the board and top and Ian giving the letters another coat.


Firstly , the problem with people still entering railway property by the Springfield  lane bridge !

They were still digging their way under the railings , so it was decided to sink old spear fencing into the ground as well , hopefully it might deter them.

Afterwards it was back up to platform 2 continue the spear fencing.

Two more panels of Spear Fence added.


Two more panels fitted today , next week its onto the other side of the signal box and maybe the slope ?

Back outside the work shop the Hayles board had its first coat of undercoat and its top fitted .

Locomotive of  today was " Foremarke Hall " seen here pulling the first train of the day into Broadway.

Dave and Vic , and some pictures from Rod.


  1. Who's idea was it to mount a horrible modern metal snap frame holder in the bottom corner of that lovely wooden poster holder?

  2. A gamekeepers trail camera camouflaged, will catch the fence diggers.
    Available on the internet.
    It sounds like the persistent diggers are persistent enough to have their picture taken...
