Monday 27th July
A very on and off wet day.
It was a mostly dodging the showers day , but the show must go on.
Peter and Dave popped down to Toddington , their task was to find the Gas box !
Since the gas pipe for the new block had been installed and connected, and then we have had lock down . The gas box had been enveloped by vegetation of all sorts , when we arrived all we could see was the doors. Should have taken a before and after.
After about an hour we could see all round , but it also revealed the felt had perished in places , now where do we find some felt ? I know there is a role at Broadway !!!
oh well a job for next Monday.
Meanwhile back at the station.
And underneath the canopy .
Brian was giving the windows , doors and all the signs a good cleaning, after months of neglect the station needed a spruce up .
As per usual Pat was somewhere behind platform 2 destroying vegetation , whilst the others raked and transported the waste to the Bonfire heap.
Back at the station building , there had been a concern over some of the arches over the doors and window.
Two of the arch bricks had started to slip , now I could go into the reason why , but even though I have heard why a few times I wont put it in writing , because I may get it wrong . Leave it to the experts.
Wednesday 29th July
A dry day
One such expert is Bob.
Bob with Dave's help is seen easing the bricks back to their original position , and then we fixed an additional support underneath .
Later Bob re pointed when everything looked in place.
This is the kitchen door , Bob has just finished the re pointing , the extra support underneath just needs a top coat and a bit of mastic to complete .
Tony took the opportunity of the dry day to give the drive way and seating area a quick mow.
Vic was on the gardens , And Pat and the team cleared up to the signal behind platform 2
Finally after many weeks Platform 2 has been cleared , over to platform 1 and then start all over again !