Monday 29 June 2020

Square One

Monday 29th June

Well it seems like we were back to square one working down the Station Driveway. David, Peter and Brian set to clearing up all the fallen debris.




Tony brought along the petrol mower.

Brush Cutter

Pat was again our strimmer man working along Platform 1 embankment then transferring to Platform 2.

Pat was assisted by the clean up gang and the Barrow Men.

Vic was working in the flower beds and adding some colour. Peter brought in a Camelia so this went into the bed near the garage.


Picnic Area



Wednesday 1st July

Five volunteers in today with more clearing up to do. First it was a drizzle, followed by a heavy shower
forcing everyone to take shelter except Tony who carried on regardless.

Jo, Keith and Clive were all along the Driveway. Not so many cones to collect but still removing weeds.

Vic your camera man checked the flower beds. Giving new plants a watering with a can.



  1. Thank you Vic for the latest update, everything begining to look better than ever as always. Thanks Team for a great effort, it must be a bit daunting in these winds!
    Paul & Marion

  2. During the main lockdown period, I and my partner Carole, did much gardening and, I am glad to say and see, the top terrace looks a picture. Lower down the grass is mowed and tidy and the flower borders alongside look resplendent with growth ( wanted - not weed); so it's wonderful to see you bringing Broadway back to floral life. and the driveway nice and tidy.
    Then the bombshell was dropped when we found that our landlady wanted the house back. We pay 6 months rent in advance, so why she should want it back is totally unknown to me. Hey Ho. It's searching for another house again.
    Regards, Paul.

  3. Have you noticed that despite the line being closed, the b&$$&@ grass still grows and the pine cones still drop! How come this is happening? Was someone suposed to issue a "Stop Growing" notice?
    Great work everyone keeping the "lady" looking good!
    Paul & Marion

  4. can i book you lot to do Hayles Abbey halt ? Have just seen the jungle there , a hard job to sort out by our Wed Gang soon Looking forward to August , will anyone remember each others names ! Daily M .
