Monday, 27 April 2020

A Pictorial History of the construction of the Broadway Station Building 2018

And so to 2018

The rush to finish before the arrival of the first trains.


Tiling of floors and walls in the toilet areas.

Electricians on site in store room and booking office/

Paneling of walls to dado height in booking hall.

Tiling of floor in booking hall started.

Platform side sees drainage installation and the commencement of slabbing.

Booking hall lamp being tested ready for fitting.


Plumbers are in the toilet areas.

Flooring in the Booking Hall almost finished.

Soon after paneling is finished and both station masters office and booking hall painted.

Slabbing finished on platform side commenced on the car park side.


Cubicle Separators in the toilets are fitted, areas fitted out with hand blowers and soap dispensers.

Doors have been fitted to the booking hall and are painted.

Booking hall finished , crowd barriers have been installed, also a clock and lamp.

First train for the volunteers .

To be continued.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

A Pictorial History of the construction of the Broadway Station Building 2017

And so to 2017


Internal block work and external brick work up corbelling stage


Continuation of joist fitting where internal block work is high enough

Internal walls erected.

February March April

After test corner

Corbelling starts where the brick work in the walls has been completed.

Elsewhere at Toddington.

Parts of the roof have been fabricated and painted.

The ( real ) Station fireplace has been started.

The arrival of the station roof panels ready for Painting etc

As is the fabrication of the canopy daggerboards.

Before the May bank holiday the roof canopy and trusses appear and are erected

Scaffolding has now been raise to roof height making the finishing of the corbelling rather awkward in some places.

June and July

Painters are painting the steel work  and the wood work which was added by the carpenters to support the roof sheets.

Chimneys appear above the roof steels. More woodwork installed to hold the roof sheets.

Steel work added to car park side to hold small canopy.

July also saw the electricians doing a first fix.


Fitting of the wood onto the fascia steel work, followed by fixing of the dagger boards followed by the painters.

South gable end completed.

Guttering started on platform side.

After the first sheet trial tested.

More Sheets soon follow.

Car park side follows on.

October sees the glazier fitting  the station roof glass .

November saw the scaffolding on the platform side removed.

Services, ducting and drainage pipe work was laid and then the area covered in type 1 ballast.

The first of doors was hung, glaziers fit glass to the windows, and the painters started on painting the windows.

Plaster boarding of the ceilings after a moisture proof membrane was fitted, plasterers then started plastering the toilet areas.

Painters also start painting the window sills for the cafe area, paneling for the cafe was also being made.


All floors have been screed, batons in the cafe area have already been fixed ready for the wall panels.

Up in the loft space , insulation and boards are being put down.

Outside  the trench for the power duct has been dug and duct inserted.

Work also starts on the booking hall .

And so to 2018