Week Commencing 24th February 2025
5 volunteers around today, doing last minute jobs to get the station ready for the opening day of the new season.
Firstly it was put the platform furniture out Over the years of putting it back out we still forget where it goes , but who knows ?
Mike had a bit of pressure washing to do by the stairs.
Vic finally got to the bottom of the drive fence with the wood treatment .
Myself pressure washed the stairs wood and steel work.
Neal fitted the new manhole at the bottom of the drive with a bit more robust version , Ian and Keith hope fully cleaned up after him.
Ian and Kevin put and refixed the barrier up at the end of platform 1
Last week the trees that were cut down were replaced by saplings , 9 on platform 1 and 2 on platform 2 .
Jo was working on the Midland Railway bench in the old mess room.
I couldn't attended but those that did only had to take down the coverings off the running boards and do a bit of sweeping up.
But I think were are there ready for the new season which starts this Saturday .
Now we have boot scrapers on sale in the tearoom , you will notice that the trolley display unit looks shabby . Could you or me have some brown paint and smarten it up please ? John M .