Thursday, 20 February 2025

Maintenance week 14 Nearly There !

 Week Commencing 17th February 2025


Just the 4 of us on another gloomy Monday !

It was too wet for Mike to paint the platform edge so he did a spot of platform edge cleaning over on platform 2.

I changed the dodgy tap on the electrical box at the south end of platform 1.Mainly so I could use the pressure washers !

We decided that the weather wasn't going to get much better that day , so a trip to the local hardware shop to procure a tin of Vanilla paint was needed. This got Mike out of the weather and into the Station Masters office.

Mean while the sun came out ( as it does occasionally ) and time to tackle the ever growing bird poo on platform 1.
Brush and pressure washer eventually cleaned up the area . another problem around that area is the large lake in the photo that forms every time it rains . what to do ?

The reason for Mike painting the wall of the Station Masters office was it had had the clock on the wall and when it had been removed it left quite a few holes and marks . Mike soon made it like new.

Kevin moved down the drive to plant a few more plants .


Weather a bit better but still threatening to rain.

Over on platform 2 nothing much happening far too cold and damp.

Mike had a go at painting the white platform line , hopefully it would dry before it started to rain.

After a few dry ish days it was decided to have a go at the bonfire. It was a bit Smokey but luckily mostly steam ! 

After an intensive 2 min training course Kevin was introduced to  " Billy " The 3 of us gave the drive way a good going over.

Chris and Dave were back in the shed , still sorting the insulation out , ibis time on the side wall.

Keeping out of the rain showers Mike tackled the lamp cleaning under the canopy.

Just one week to the start of the season , weather has had its effect on what we could have achieved , but we shall be ready .



  1. Wishing edna and craig all the best with the move to hampshire God bless you both
    Lyn and John ardin

  2. can I ask, what happened to the clock in the station masters office?

  3. We are to supply Boot scrapers to theGWSR for sale at Broadway . Retail £55.00 pay by. Refit Card by EPOS on till arranged . I will bring trolley on Sunday when I am on cafe duty . Any orders you get from friends will be acceptable , John M

  4. Just had a good bonfire on allotment , good weather for weekend opening . Will be on cafe duty Sunday , look out for boot scrapers on sale in the tearoom ! JM
