Thursday, 18 April 2024

Yet another Sign

 Week Commencing 15th April 2024

Just the 4 of us on Monday , the picture below shows nothing happening on Platform , the materials are still stuck on the trucks at Toddington , the logistics to get them up to Broadway needs to be heard to be believed !!

Any way back to the bottom of the drive. Dave had to move the Cotswold festival of Steam Baner further up the fence.

Because the new railway sign needed to be fitted !

Count them its beginning to look a bit cluttered with signs don't you agree .

Afterwards Brian mowed the left hand side of the driveway.

Over the other side Pat and Dave took to the Strimmers.


No Pat but we were joined by Chris and his son Dave, who took to sweeping the drive , clearing the debris from the  past 2 days of wind .

Brian was still clearing the bottom of the drive.

One Bin that had slipped through our Winter maintenance,  had to be modified as the hinge had come away from the lid. Ian delivered it back to its position on the platform. 

More weeding and more cleaning up by Brian and Dave.

Even Billy came out to play !

Trains running today were the DMU and Locomotive on the steam train was  " Dinmore Manor."

Just a foot note , It was Ian's Birthday last week , we celebrated with not a cake but a pork pie , Ian Hit 70 , which means we have nobody volunteering at Broadway now under 70 !! ( except young Dave ).

Older Dave


  1. I agree that the bottom of the drive is cluttered with signs - at least two of them could go - ah, but which two?

  2. Signs and Banners!
    At the last count we had 10 in number signs at the access to the station at the bottom of the drive so spoiling the aesthetic look and also the ambition of FOB/Broadway Station Maintenance Team of trying to return Broadway Station to its 1904 original look. As a Heritage Railway surely the Station look is just as important as the Locomotives/Carriages/Permanent Way/Signalling etc so do we need/require all these signs as there is a perfectly suitable GWR Style NOTICE BOARD at the bottom of the drive which has the current information on it? As for the banners this seems an expensive way of promoting the railways' events as they are only in place for a couple of weeks and then discarded never to be used again!

  3. The banners create a significant regular plastic disposal problem. No thought seems to have been given as to their fate after their brief moment of use.

    The signage 'Welcome to our railway ' is appearing at every station, and is a retrograde 'corporate' step, which at Broadway dilutes the 1904 museum effect.
    Our carriages already have 'corporate' branding, in stead of the authentic BR decals. Yet we declare ourselves to be a living museum. Which is it?

  4. At least there has to be a 'No entry' sign of some description, then at least could it be of a vintage to match in with the station?
    Regards, Paul.

  5. Yes far too many signs at the bottom of the drive, quite frankly it looks a mess.

  6. I heavily sympathise with your plight, it's always far too easy a solution to any problem "Let's put another sign up!" Too many and not only does it spoil the look, but it overwhelms the eyes as there's too much to take in, and none of it actually gets read and so fails even on its own terms. The fact that they get put up piecemeal doesn't help either, if it was all done at the same time some better consideration might be given to placement.

    I've often thought Broadway could do a lot worse than copy what Hampton Loade have got which has a similar arrangement of driveway and rail bridge,-2.3771923,3a,75y,121.68h,79.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBCXniB_KAHhQrdy2LbGlRQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu

    If you'd like to see what we could do drop me an email and I can probably come up with some suggestions that will be more in keeping with the heritage appearance and be acceptable to the commercial department too (and probably find a little money for it too if necessary).

    As part of the gala committee I'm conscious of the environmental impact of banners, if anyone has alternative suggestions I will gladly take note, but we do need to advertise the most expensive event of the year! :-)

  7. One thing that can be done is to stop using plastic cable ties to secure the plastic banners. Cable ties are one way plastic and after being cut are often discarded in the environment.
