Thursday, 4 April 2024

Wednesday Goings on !

 Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Just the Wednesday working this week as Easter Monday was a non working day.. Just the 3 of us at the start of the day with Pat joining us later.

First out with the Easter sign and up with the Cotswold Festival of Steam Banner. , its only 8 weeks away !!

Both the shops are open , our Friends of Broadway shop manned by Julie had a steady trade .

Pat was cutting the grass down the drive whilst opposite Brian was strimming the edges of the fence.

Dave finally got the Notice board up at the bottom of the drive ,the leaflet holder was having a 2nd coat of paint so it didn't make it.

After how many months we finally saw some Locos in the station , Today Dinmore Manor and P and O were on duty.


1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    The four advertising posters at the bottom of the drive look a bit of a muddle. Why not put "The Festival of Steam "poster hung between the stanchions on P2 along with another poster showing what this superb building will look like. Passengers arriving or leaving Broadway are faced with a brilliant building on P1 and a part building site on P2. You have a captured audience on P1 not a passing audience by the drive.
    Mike Rose.on
