Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Back to Monday working

 Monday 11th April 2022

Its into April and the trains are now running during the week so now due to the limited parking at the station it was decided to move our working day back to Monday.

But we still have the usual suspects turning up to do their bit.

Two, Pat and Dave had volunteered to be in charge of keeping the gas bottles on the Restaurant and Buffet cars topped up, so for a couple of hours in the morning they had popped down to Toddington to change a few empties.

Soon as Pat returned he was back on his usual job , the area at the bottom of the drive by the signs has spung into life , weed wise !
It was too much for Peter Q with his little strimmer so Pat obliged with the Petrol version.

Michael moved over to Platform 2 to start the white edging strip. 

It was noticed that the sign at the bottom of the drive was looking at bit shaky , on further inspection it was found that one of the posts had rotted away and the other wasn't far behind.
It didn't take long for Brian and Ian to extract it , it was taken back to the bench to be stripped down.
Brian is in the process of making a new sign to replace this one , its a job in pipe line.

Moving to Monday means I wont be able to take pictures of the Locomotives at our station, but I will leave you with a photo I took of the one that is a lot older than of them all.



Vic was on Station duties today and spotted these two playing on our trolly.



  1. I hope you check for hedgehogs before strimming.

  2. I see "Locomotion" every week, on a Thursday, as a volunteer in the Museum. Locomotion may not be as old as people think. It is currently under investigation by a couple of eminent gentlemen who in due course will give us an assessment of age. They are taking bits off and taking photos and measurements as part of the assessment, interesting to watch.
