Week commencing 6th September 2021
The year marches on and after a couple of weeks of non weather , Monday and Wednesday saw the return of the very warm sunny days.
So what's the lads to do on these warm days.
There had been an accumulation of pine needles in the guttering at the south of the station building , Peter being good with heights volunteered to give all the guttering a clean and wash out.

Look what he started , the drains and manholes then had a good clear out. Brian on the post hole digger dragged out no end of dirt and pine needles , even rescued a small frog . The Group soon got bored and drifted away to more interesting jobs
That left Tony , Dave and Ian to work their way down the drive , working through each of the manholes down to the bottom , and then they were left with just to clear out the grating.

Weather still pretty warm.
Only 3 volunteers at the start of the day , but more soon trickled in.
Peter Q was down the drive keeping on top of garden.
Further up the bank Dave and Ian repaired the gate . may be people have been standing on it watch the trains.
The other Peter ( K) was in his workshop portacabin finishing the construction of the final Spear fencing panel.
Outside the other Ian was giving the previously constructed panel a coating of red oxide paint.
The weather hadn't been kind to our " home made " garden benches the combination of sun and rain had made them a bit Slack !
Dave with new screws and the other Ian with the ratchet spanner tried to fix and repair them for yet another year .
The Wednesday heavy group of Volunteers turned up after lunch with some cut edging slabs for the end of the ramps.
Terry and Keith were on the end of platform 1 ramp slabbing the area by the foot crossing.
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