Week Commencing 20th September 2021
Cool misty mornings and warm days it must be the start of Autumn, so its out with the brushes.
The drive and surrounding areas needed a good brushing down
Peter Q , Ian and Dave did the drive
Vic did the end of Platform 1
Ian had a go at tidying up the tool shed. looks good , but how long is it going to stay like that ?
Later he and Dave tackled some Ash trees dying of Ash Die disease at the rear of platform 2.

Had a visitor today the Pway train , delivering rails . Kept us amused watching it shunt itself around for 1/2 hour.
Another misty morning but the sun soon came out.
More volunteers today.
Peter Q was down the drive .
There was a steady stream of slabs being move up to the end of platform 2 by Rod .
Heading to where Terry and Keith were laying them at the end of the ramp , Paul was in charge of the cutting.
Down on Platform 2 saw Peter K welding on the legs of the final spear fencing panel.
And here it is the very last Panel of about 50 in this run .
No sooner has Peter had moved, Ian was in like a shot to Red Oxide the legs. Later, He and Ian moved all the completed Panels into storage ready for the future .

Before that Ian had helped Dave remove the last of the cut down Ash trees to the Bonfire Area. Due to the amount of pine cones on the platform making it uncomfortable to walk on in areas , Dave using his Cone pickup tool had a go at removing as many as he could .
This was the second wheel barrow half full.
Terry sent me these end of the day photographs of what they had achieved at the end of the ramp. Type 1 ballast smoothed out the difference between the existing platform and the newly laid slabs.
Elsewhere and way off in the distance Pat was brush cutting and Strimming.
Locomotives of the Day
Were " 4270 " and " P and O "
Clearing the drive and platforms of cones and fallen twigs (and larger) are a most essential job that gets very little thanks. Well, please record it here that you are appreciated who, not once, but regularly clear the detritus from the drive and platforms and track.
ReplyDeleteWell done the slab layers and spear fencing creator(s) too. Your efforts speak volumes.
Regards, Paul.