Thursday, 19 September 2019

Sun Shines on the Few

Wednesday 18th September 2019

The title says it all , Monday saw 2 attend , Pete and Dave. Wednesday a few more turned up , but the weather was nice and sunny and the trains had plenty of passengers .


Dave rubbed down the bottom surround of the platform 1 running in board , where the paint had started to flake off , and then reapplied a coat of primer and undercoat.

Peter meanwhile was at the Kitchen store room modifying the locking mechanism.

 Peter looking thoughtful

The smaller of the bins needed attention and a new double bin had its first coat of dark stone applied.

A board for hanging the fire buckets was sourced from the wood pile , cut to the required length , edges rounded off, rubbed done and then primed . 


Peter and Brian attacked the wood pile sorting out what was still useful and what was not went to the ever growing pile for burning.

Adding to the bonfire was Ron , he was doing his usual brushing up of the driveway of pine needles and fallen pine cones. then later in the afternoon on  platform 2  he had a few more barrow loads of rubbish just to top up Clive's bonfire.

Also around the station , Peter K gave the fence at the top of the drive another coat of wood preserver.Brian and Dave sorted ( hopefully ) the source of the smell outside the kitchen door.
Peter Q and Dave fitted the Key lock to the store room. Clive cleared vegetation on Platform 2.
And the final Job of the day was the top coat of Dark Stone on the Waste bin, just the light stone to go now.

Loco`s of the day were 4270 and 7903 both looking splendid in the Autumn sunshine.

4270 on run round

7903 pulling into the Station


  1. Is the wood on P2 not usable for lighting-up locos?

  2. A lot of the wood was rotten , had screws and nails etc, don't think it would have been suitable

  3. would it be possible for Dave to have a look at the Running In Board at Hayles Abbey halt which is flaking badly in the corner . Pway maintain the halt with grass cutting and strimming on a monthly basis ,your help will be appreciated regards to all .john M.

  4. Hi

    Is there a problem with the webcam - all I get is a "not available" message


