Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Vic's Back

Sunday 21st July

Not our usual visitor to Broadway Station. An incident had occurred in the village and the Air Ambulance was called. The field next to the station was a suitable landing point and the two girl Paramedics went off to do the duty and the Pilot came to the Station.

Monday 22nd July

Back after a two week session with my Grand Daughter it is my turn to do the Blog!!

First off one job has been completed the refurbishment of the drive up to Railway Cottages.

The second nearly completed is the gate to Station House. Peter K adding on a few extra pieces.

The Carpenters

I did not hear any singing but there was a noisy saw! In the background is a box, nicknamed "the coffin" This is in fact for the Wheelchair Ramp for storage when not in use. Peter Q giving it a lick of undercoat.


If one plays their cards right, one can catch the team working on the footbridge. John S, Jo & Neal all clambering around the scaffolding.

The Strimmer

Pat pictured here servicing his strimmer prior to tackling another section of the embankment.

The Gardener

Last week Vic received a large consignment of Daffodil Bulbs from Chris Allen, so today was a planting day. These were placed on the embankments at the top of the drive, platform 1 and platform 2. It is now up to the bulbs to show some colour next year?

Wednesday 24th July

The Storm

Wow, Tuesday saw the Heavens open, Torrential rain, Thunder & Lightening and Wind. Lots of debris around the drive and platform. So there were many of the maintenance team out with brooms cleaning up the mess. The drains were also checked and cleaned out of rubbish.

The Gate

Peter K was again working on the final fittings, so hopefully this job is now complete.

Additional Photos from Dave

Terry and Rod doing some weeding, Brian fixing the lid to "The Coffin".


Thank you to all who have responded to our appeal for more items to sell. No magazines required, but paper back books, jigsaw puzzles plus children's items, bric-a-brac very welcome

Bricks & Trains

In August we have our special event for lovers of Lego and giving young folk a chance to look at our engineering capabilities.



  1. Anyone checked that no naughty words have been planted in the bulbs?

  2. Fine and interesting blog. Looking forward to my visit shortly

  3. hi Vic ,do you want some wild lilac / pink poppy seeds for P2 , maybe even P1 , have a bucketful to give away to lots of folk . john M.
