Friday, 12 July 2019

Slow old Day

Wednesday 10th July 2019

Usual suspects turned out on Monday , 

Dave and Peter carried on with the gate , much Mortising and tenoning going on ( if there are such words ) and over on Platform 2 Mike S was giving the boards for the stairs an undercoat .
Whilst there were enough of us around we got an additional 20 boards down from the shelter of the station roof , in readiness for Wednesday.

Wednesday and a warm sunny saw a few more volunteers turn out .

Graham  D (our Chief and Best Painter ) made a welcome  appearance .

He and Ray hit the boards running ( literately ), whilst Ray applied the knotting Graham applied the undercoat , elsewhere the other Mike took to painting the metal work of the bridge stairs .

Not an easy job on this side he kept telling us , ground uneven , scaffolding poles in the way etc etc, but its looking good, now for the hard bit !

2 gardeners here today , Chris tending and weeding and pat as ever in full flow with the strimmer.

Dave and Brian worked on the gate today, as Peter also helps in the Tea Room occasionally.

First job  was to try to line up the bottom of the gate and fix it to the bottom metal rain , easier said than done as our bolts kept fouling the rollers underneath . eventually with a few washers removed and a few inserted it worked a treat .

Everything was then taken back to the workshop to be reassembled .

Time was up for the day , so it sits in the workshop ready for next Monday.

Elsewhere the volunteers had their " Personal Track Safety " test to make sure we are competent and can work safely with others when around railway lines. Of course we all passed !!

Locomotive of the day was  " 4270 " pulling the Afternoon train from Cheltenham.


  1. "Offering it up" and then taking it back for alterations, takes on a whole new meaning on a "gate" this size I can see! I hope you are all going to get a "blinking" Great HRA award for building the footbridge.

    Had a communication from the Earstocke Manor Chairman yesterday - o dear o dear!

    Powli Wilson

  2. I've seen 'mortising' before. but never a verb form of 'tenon'! :-)


  3. I admire the range of work done at Broadway it,s hard to believe it,s all new, I like to follow progress on the webcam, but find it very dark, maybe it requires a small adjustment
