Wednesday 8th May 2019
The weather forecast for the day were spot on ( for a change ). Volunteers were in short supply and by lunch time most had left.
The rain first thing, followed by heavy showers stopped all outside work. only those working in the containers did anything .
The two Mikes were in Container 3 ( paint storage and misc storage ) doing something , sorry it was two wet to go and find out, hence no pictures.
In container 2 ( Carpentry shop and Painting shop when its too wet ) Dave gave a poster frame a first coat and Peter painted the wood that is being used for the stairs dagger boards.
During the Morning as we were unable to do much work , a group of us caught the local train down to Winchcombe . It wasn't a jolly !! Honest .Carriage and Wagon have a steady supply of off cuts and we being ever resourceful popped in to see what they had to offer.
Whilst there, we were shown around their works , an insight to what goes on elsewhere on the railway.
Everybody had useful bits of sheets and wood to take back to Broadway on the next train.
In between the showers in the afternoon , Brian and Dave managed finally to put the Broadway Sign back up , which is located at the bottom of the drive.
Five minutes after the photo was taken it tipped it down , and that was that , we had had enough for the wet and miserable day.
Except for the Train ride of course.
Never mind you gave it a go