Wednesday 3rd April
How time is flying , doesn't feel like it was 5 minutes ago that we opened for a new running season , and now we are into April with the trains now running on week days . it gives the volunteers something to watch and admire whilst we Get on with it !
Monday saw no such action , and with about 10 of us on site, groups set about the days task on a bright but cool day.
The main group are by the steps
Seen from bridge John S , Keith and Ron were checking the levels for the next batch of slabs, whilst Paul steadies himself with the shovel, well he is the chief mixer and slab cutter .
The two Mikes continued the preparation of the corrugated sheets for the stairs.
It wasn't until later in the day that we noticed that one Mike had been wearing his mask on upside down , a quiet word and he corrected his mistake , well a nose guard could be a chin guard !
Elsewhere Dave moved the live camera out of the way of the scaffolding before giving one of the GWR benches a top coat of Chocolate paint.
Also Pat was seen giving a tree stump a hard time , but unfortunately it was winning , so he went back to strimming the cutting where the machine had missed.
Wednesday saw more slabs being laid , by going home time they had nearly finished .
They were much further on than when this picture had been taken.
Terry sent the pictures below apparently they continued to work through the rain to complete , all they left is the cuts and the pavement area outside the fence.
Pete and Brian were giving the GWR Broadway sign that lives down the drive way a refurbishment . It is now about 10 years old and the surround and letters were looking worse for wear.
Pete seen cutting new replacement letters whilst Brian gave them a sanding down prior to painting , whilst elsewhere Dave made the new surround. Ray painted the rear of one of the new GWR Benches next week it will be placed on the Platform for the use of our customers .
As mentioned before the mid week trains are running , today it was the turn of 2807 Heavy Goods Locomotive. It had just run up from Cheltenham through a Hail and Rainstorm. I am sure I heard some of the crew grumbling about the cold and damp !
Wow, how I admire your technique in laying flagstones, and that wonderful lifting device, compared with how I struggle to achieve the same finish in my garden! In the end I give up and mix concrete (by hand), which my "back" objects to and looks awful. Well done.
ReplyDeleteThe new position for the live camera is perfect. Can it stay in this place.
ReplyDeleteWhen the foot bridge finally opens it might ( probably ) have to be moved again
ReplyDeleteExcellent progress. the footbridge is coming along very well. Also the slabbing.
ReplyDeleteRegards, Paul.