Week Commencing 3rd March 2025
Saturday and Sunday saw the start of the new season , but no trains have appeared at Broadway when we are working , another couple of week before that.
Still quiet on platform 2 , too cold on Monday but Wednesday had seen more bricklaying at the rear and the door frames placed in the inside , ready for installation ?.
6 around on Monday , Vic gave both of the barriers the wood preserve treatment.
Mike was painting the spear fencing.
Vic moved onto treating the small garden by the sign.
Its that time of year when the trains start to run and the gas bottles on the RBR and RMB need attention. As Pat is no longer with us Ian has stepped into helping me. It was a bit of a struggle . with 8 bottles needing changing just on the RBR at least it wasnt raining..
Chris weeded the car park garden , whilst Kevin cleaned up on platform 2.
4 around .
Mike was back on the spear fencing
There was unsuccessful attempt to cut the hedge from the next door neighbours garden , the hedge is about 8 foot from our side , and only 3 foot from the other . trouble is its about 6 foot wide at the top and the hedge trimmer wont reach !
Mike took to the platform edge , trying to finish the job.
Ian , Kevin and Myself are going on a Brush cutter and trimmier course in the next couple of weeks .This used to be Pats expertise. we decided to see what we had in the fuel store hut . and have a clear out.
We got out and tested the 2 decent bits of kit.
Everything got taken out and got sorted .
Which left us with a nice clean hut !