Week Commencing 2nd December 2024
Just Vic, Ian and Myself , on a cold and overcast day.
What better way to start the day by being in warmth of the ladies toilets repainting the surroundings of the running in board. !
In a sunny position on the drive Vic continues to treat the fence.
A number of trees down the drive are due to be removed ( not before time !) This one at the top has a bit of a lean on it , not that you can tell by the photo , but its also our fire muster point , so Ian our Fire warden had to remove the sign or what's left of it to its new position on the fence.
Over on platform 2 , the trucks have reappeared in readiness of more soil removal. More rows of bricks have been laid at the back , and at the front , window sills have been positioned and the nearest one fixed in position.
It was bin clean up day ! All the waste bins were pressure washed and given a good clean ,
But some will need attention and some a fresh lick of paint , the one below needed a bit more attention , so it was wrapped up for another day.
Pat had another go at the hedge , aided on the barrows by Ian and Myself.
The bonfire Heap eventually got so high and it was sort of dry enough, so we put a match to it !
Looks like the corrigated shed in picture 6 also needs a coat of light stone paint before the start of 2925 season. There is always something to do on a station.
ReplyDeleteRegards, Paul.
Trying to get some of the main jobs out of the way first , then we have a list of some jobs we could do if we finish them and that's on it !