Thursday 1 August 2024

Work and a Jolly

 Week Commencing 29th July 2024


Back up to 4 today , Ron rejoins us from distant lands.

Over on Platform 2 more activity at the rear of the building , more blues have been laid.

Sun was up early and the heat was on.

Firstly a bit of DIY on one of the bin lids.

Then down to the bottom corner of the drive to clear it of weeds ETC ETC,

Then over to the other side.

One of  our yearly problems was getting the covers open on the 3 drains by the station building , even with lots of grease on them they always stick and take lots of muscle power to open them , just to remove the rubbish they collect.

Once we prized them open we ground down the edges and applied more grease all round , hopefully that should do the trick. Afterwards Ron and Ian gave them all a good clean out.

Elsewhere in the shade Pat gave the hedge another trim .


The forecast was for another hot day , so what better than to go on a Jolly with old friends and volunteers.

Myself , Ian , Brian and Ray ( both ex volunteers ) decided to pop down to The Dean Forest Railway.

Our Locomotive for the day was the Small Prairie No 5541 


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