Thursday, 20 June 2024

Warm Days at Broadway

 Week Commencing 17th June 2024


Just Ian and Myself  , Pat had a doctors visit and then problems with his car so just the 2 of us.

Saturday I was down at Winchcombe on crossing duties , but before my afternoon shift we ( Ian ) picked up the new sign written board from carriage and wagon , and delivered it to Broadway .

Before getting to Broadway on Monday the empty gas bottles on train 1 needed changing. 

I had to disturb this lovely moth to get to the full ones. The trains get reversed in the platforms at Toddington for cleaning purposes , so  this time is,  the difficult changeover !. 

Back at Broadway the Steam and Ale sign came down , but nothing to relace it , Diesel Gala coming up ?

Ian and Dave put up the new sign opposite the public car park entrance , directing people to the station.

After that we did a bit of grass cutting.


or Tuesday in Pats case , he was at Hayles Abbey Halt cutting the grass and making the halt look tidy..

Back to Wednesday , back to 3 , My turn to cut the driveway grass , it would be a straight forward job it it wasn't for the Trees , Tree Stumps and metal posts

Ian was in the sun applying white paint to the frame and letters.

Pat was on the top of the bank and myself followed behind with the strimmer.

Train on Duty today were 2807 and  " Betton Grange " on its last outing on our railway.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pat for doing Hayles Abbey Halt , have asked Lineside C to apply weedkiller to paths .john M
