Week Commencing 20th November
Just the 3 of us on a miserable weather wise morning.
Brian was having trouble with the Gents toilet lock again !.
Dave and Ian were putting strengtheners on the ramp that sits outside the Broadway Goods shed.
An attempt was made to fix the table that sits outside the shed too , but alas it was too far gone and ended up on the bonfire ! one of our not used benches ( made redundant after erection of the new scales shed ) was modified to fit and sit outside The remainder of the benches have been put into winter storage under the canopy.
Up to seven volunteers were around.
Dave did a trial fit with the surrounds of the new notice board. before taking it over for yet another coat of black.
The repaired bin lid was given a coat of Primer / undercoat.
As were new strengtheners on the ramp.
Main job of the day was giving the goods shed another coat of wood preserver , 3 started the job , then up to 4 and eventually 2 finished the job !
Brian on the bottom bits, whilst Ian doing the high bits .
Elsewhere Pat was brush cutting around the signal on platform 2.
Vic was working in the small garden.
Pat was also seen spraying the moss on platform 1 with moss killer ( aka white vinegar ? )
Ps Cameras still out of action , IT were on site and unfortunately couldn't sort it , when I'm in the right frame of mind I will have another look , no promises .
Hi is the webcam off for the winter?