Week commencing 3rd July 2023
More showers today for the 5 volunteers who turned out at Broadway on Monday.
a few little jobs to be done.
A new notice to be put up , showing what else the Broadway area had to offer.
First shower of the day saw us head to the container 1, to continue the drilling of screw holes for yet more Trug construction..
Outside Pat was changing the oil on one of the mowers.
Over on platform 2 , Peter K was measuring up in preparation of fitting a new lock to container 1 as the old lock was showing its age and being awkward to use.
Whilst it was raining Pat tried to remove some Coffee or Tea stains from the station platform.
As platform 2 will be open for the gala the barrier had to be replaced to stop the Public wandering !
Pat again under the stairs cutting the grass.
End of the day Peter had fixed the new lock , and had applied Red Oxide to the new metal parts.
Just the 4 today. more showers
Brian , Ian and Dave headed down the drive to give it final tidy up.
Didn't we do this last week ?
Brian had official business down at Winchcombe and one of the perks of being a volunteer is that you can ride the trains for free , so we couldn't let him go alone ( he might get lost ) plus its nice to talk with the customer's on the trains.
When we arrived back after our Jolly Pat had cut a large area of grass from behind the containers and was now cone picking on platform 2.
Julie and John were hiding in the shop out of the wind but still doing a brisk trade . They tell me they as desperately looking for more volunteers to help in the shop, so If you are interested please pop in or get in touch.
Locomotives of the day were P & O and below the Standard 2
The Diesel pulling the 15.35 back out was the Class 37 D6948 which will be out on this coming long weekends Diesel Gala.
ReplyDeleteJohn r ardin
It's about time the signal box was commissioned, after all it's not the most complicated of places to work!
ReplyDeleteApparently the new retail unit was officially opened over the weekend. Vet another well kept secret!🤭