Thursday, 8 June 2023

New Shed on the Block !

 Week commencing 5th June 2023


A not so bright but dry Monday saw the usual magnificent 7 turn out for a day of activity at Broadway Station.

But first , on platform 1 a new shed had appeared last Friday where our seating area used to be, .this is going to be the new controversial shop. It had been connected to the electrical supply all it needs is an IT link and a few shelves and it will be ready to go. 

Pat and I had to do a gas bottle change so we left to go to Toddington , but on the way down the drive Ron was already hard at it .

As we returned Ron and Ian was giving the drains a clean out , we are finding that they in need of an empty quite a few times every year now.

Brian was finding it hard pushing the mower harder uphill than down on the drive.

With a the mower and drains clearance creating a bit of a mess , Ron got out the " Billy Goat " to clean up.

The sun came out in the afternoon and saw Brian strimming the top by the fence.

Elsewhere Dave was still sorting out Container 1 , with yet another trip to the scrap container on the way home, Peter was on Trug creation and Pat on the clearing of the Vegetation  somewhere !


Only 2 volunteers were expected but 6 turned up. Pat found and fitted a new blade for the mower.

We managed to shuffle around the table benches and return two to the space between the sheds , Chris made full use of the area to have his break.

Chris and young Dave was down at the drive entrance doing his best to make it look tidy.

Chis was also weeding over on platform 2

The sun and heat were making strimming on the bank a bit of a struggle , a few rests were needed .

Dave and Ian did another large item scrap run on the first train to Toddington , whilst we were there it seams thier was a get together of Rolls Royce's and Bentleys , this one caught our eye.

Locos of the the day were Foremarke Hall and Dinmore Manor , below seen running around its midday train.



  1. There's no getting around it- that shed is truely awful. In fact that entire end of the platform is about as far from the aspirations of those who spent so much time and effort in recreating the station, and getting everything "right" as it is possible to.
    Perhaps sone garish ice cream signs and a cheap barbecue will be next?

    1. Yes, truly awful. CCTV cameras, loud speakers, platform barriers B&Q sheds, what sad brain brings this to a heritage railway museum?

  2. "THE VIADUCT!"😱
    John r ardin

  3. Apparently it's only "temporary." Yeah, right!

  4. Hear hear! And that last picture won't now be possible without all those picnic benches in the way :-(

  5. I suppose if trains came into Platform 2 that the new larger waiting room could house a shop within as well as artefacts of Broadway as now seen on display in the town 's Museum .
    So both sides of the station could be equally of interest to visitors . Food for thought ? john M .

  6. Don't give them ideas! When a lot of people state that the sheds look a mess, why are they ignored and we see even more of them. If it is truly necessary to put up a hut, at least make it look like a railway build! Corigated iron comes to mind.
    Regards, Paul.

  7. Very rarely comment on these sites but that shed is just plain dreadful

  8. Sorry anonymous what's missing is a flashing open sign, in bright pink.
    John r ardin 🐘

  9. so youre a garden centre? who signed off on this, they should be expelled

  10. the good old GWR had wooden buildings on stations and they were painted choc and cream,so why can,t your hated wooden sheds be painted choc and cream and have dagger boards fitted then they will look like original GWR buildings then thats prob sorted

  11. That shed is so awful, I thought it was a joke. After all the effort to build a realistic GWR station, then someone plops that monstrosity onto the platform. It has totally destroyed the whole look and feel and completely undermines your heritage. Dreadful.
