Monday 15th November
Vic was at home in Broadway whilst others were at Toddington. One of the gardens tided up and cut back.
Dave , Peter, Brian and Ian headed to the Old Garage at Toddington , trying to do as much as they could to wrap the job up. But before that, more of putting the station to bed until after Christmas. As there were four of us ( its easier moving stuff with more than 2 ) the station seats were brought under cover .
Brian and Dave on the Brushes whilst Ian was the wheelbarrow man.
Peter K joined Peter Q in weeding the bank.
Pat join the group giving the drive a brush .
" Work started on Monday for our project to remove all the slabs at CRC and relay them to remove a potential trip hazard.
On Monday, Rod and Paul collected a truck from Winchcombe to collect various items of equipment from Broadway and Winchcombe that we needed for the job. Keith, Bob and I went straight to CRC, and we were soon visited by Fairview, who delivered 5 tons of sand and 15 of 25 bags of cement, which will be used next week when the slabs are re-laid.
After this, we started lifting the slabs and storing them on the coping slabs. We managed to remove slabs as far as the halfway point of the station building, and then Bob and I regraded the sand, removing the excess, as the slabs will be re-laid on a mortar bed.
On Wednesday, we had a larger team of Rod, Mike S, Bob, Paul, Keith S
and me, so we split into three teams, one removing and stacking the slabs, one
regrading the sand base and the last removing the excess sand and storing it
for possible future use. By the end of the day, all the slabs (about 250)
had be removed and stacked and about 80% of the sand base had been regraded. "
Photos from Terry and Rod.
Fine blog..lovely shot of the A1.