Thursday, 14 October 2021

Where have all the volunteers gone ?

 Saturday Visitors

On the 9th we had a couple of visitors.

A young lady dressed to kill waiting for the train.

Also give a dog a bus.

Week commencing 11th October 2021

Monday , a fine old day so you may think we might have had more than the 3 of use who turned out.
Just myself , Brian and Pat !
I cant say we rushed off to do various jobs but after a chat we separated and dispersed  each doing there own thing.

Brian gave the Driveway grass a bit of a cut , and a the drive a bit of a brush up.

Dave headed to platform 2 to do a bit / alot of weeding.

Pat tackled the hedge behind platform 1, and in-between the charging of batteries Flymowed the grass.

Considering there was only 3 of us many full wheelbarrows of rubbish headed to the bonfire area.


Just the 4 today Dave , Peter, Ian and Pat

Peter , Dave and Ian headed back down to The Flag and Whistle at Toddington to repair the second fire door step.

On the return to Broadway about lunchtime , we found Pat stoking up the bonfire , Pine needles and cones burn quite fast but the green stuff creates a bit of smoke.

The two trains today were the DMU and " Foremarke Hall "

Dave and Vic

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