Thursday, 13 May 2021

Sunshine and Very Heavy Showers

 Week commencing 10th May 2021

Monday saw a total of 6 plus 2 plus 1 volunteers attend a sunny day mixed with very heavy showers. the reason for the odd way of putting the number of volunteers at Broadway today is as follows. 

6 of the regulars ,stayed at  the actual station site , which were Tony, Brian and Pat on Grass cutting , strimming , etc . Vic on Gardening Mike was painting more fence panels and Ian also painting.

Sorry no pictures as the 2 , consisting of Peter Q and yours truly headed to Winchcombe Station to do some work on the Station windows.

This the state of most of the lower windows on the car park side , many years of no Maintance has seen in places the putty dropping out , frames rotted away and generally in a poor condition.

No money is available to replace or even do a proper job, so Pete and Dave with their  " make do " knowledge , removed as much of the remaining putty they could , made some beading out of old wood , and even made a new window sill !

First window nearly finished , lots more to go.

Back at Broadway we had Ian painting up more beading and strips for the next batch of windows to be done , Pete and Dave will be at Winchcombe on Mondays and back at Broadway on the Wednesday.

At least Ian  was in the dry as throughout the day showers continued to stop play ( work )

The other 1 was Neal working by himself on the Footbridge , on completing the frame work on the platform side he moved over to the car park side working when the weather would let him . He apparently returned on Tuesday with John to virtually finish the car park side.

Its beginning to look like a proper footbridge .


The weather held off and for the early birds a bit of hard labour !

The 4 gateposts needed taken to where they were going to be needed.

3 on to platform 2 and one into a storage area.

7 volunteers per gate post that's how heavy they are ( well most of us are in their 70`s ) , after the 3  had been taken over to platform 2 the last one  was taken using one of the station trolleys down to the other end of platform 2 into storage .

The gap in the fence are where two are going to be erected , and first a sizable hole has to be dug.

Terry , Rod and Keith were up to the job as usual. 
The hole dug,  it was then filled to a certain level , Peter K will drill suitable holes in it and then the gate posts will be bolted down , hole filled with more concrete and then back filled.

Picture showing the the finished level of concrete in the hole.

Elsewhere around the Station . The un wanted vegetation grows ever upwards.

Here's the man for the Job , Pat and his strimmer , he did a bit on the drive and then behind the steps on  platform 2 and eventually disappeared towards Springfield road bridge to start down there.

Peter K was on Panel making.

Mike after putting Red Oxide on the newer panels , gave the erected panels a second top coat.

 Dave and Ian gave the  " Hayles board " another coat of black , just the white border  and letters to go now.

Loco of the day was " 4270 " here arriving at Broadway pulling the the first train of the day .


  1. Well done Neal, etc. the footbridge looks fantastic. It deserves an award!.

  2. Hear , Hear , Neal deserves the CDM , and Jo Roesen for their perseverance and skills to remake the Footbridge steps over the past two years . Do hope a Timeline of reconstruction can be seen on the walkway above the tracks . john M.

  3. I agree that the footbridge looks wonderful. Well done Neal and all the gang.
    Regards, Paul.
