Thursday, 8 October 2020

Alex has left the building

 Week commencing 5th October 2020

The Bloggers are back from Yorkshire , so we can bring you up-to-date with what goes on at Broadway station.

Storm Alex blew in over the weekend  and we thought it would be more of the usual . But it wasn't as bad as expected.

The gang of volunteers would soon get the Brushes out to give the drive a good clean.

But first a bit of a warmer up , after we had had a  delivery of more slabs last week, they needed to be taken  down to the storage area . One at a time as they are quite heavy , Ron below showing the way.

After it was all hands to the brushes to clean up  the drive way.

Then to the platform and Station Guttering.

Dave meanwhile in the workshop was giving the Bench ends a first coating of dark brown.

The Trellis had sat in a pile underneath the bridge stairs for a few months now , it was decided to re-erect it behind the seating area . 

A welcome return from his painting of the Winchcombe foot bridge saw Mike start on the painting of the legs of the finished spear fencing panels.


Peter K was back to construct more panels , whilst outside Clive and Mike applied red oxide and undercoat .

Peter Q found himself a nice steady job down the drive tidying and weeding

Over the other side pat was mowing the grass , until the exhaust fell off , needing repairs .


A job for a smaller person than Dave and Ian, saw poor Ron having to Squeeze behind the sales shed to fix the remaining  trellis panels.
After the last one was done all that was then needed was the fitting of additional fixings and brackets .

Later it was the hunt for the tub of  wood treatment .

I should have taken a picture of a before ,but I found this one from a while ago.

To the right of the lamp a short distance up the bank is a lump sticking up .It consists of a 90 degree bend of a pipe and a surround of edging stones .
our idea was to see if we could remove or change it so the mower could freely glide over the top  !

The picture below shows what we found when we dug out the pipe.

 You can see the 90 degree bend that stuck out of the ground and the other pipe shows roughly the route and angle of the new pipe . All we have to do is insert, easier said than done . its a 68mm pipe and the range of fittings are not as widely available as it be would be for smaller pipes.

We are up for a  challenge.

Locomotive of the day was 4270



  1. As the extension blog hasn't been updated for a long time, I wondered if there had been any progress on the footbridge as it was really progressing before COVID?
    What has been achieved at Broadway is amazing.Great work. Marvellous job.

  2. Jules , this is covered under Heritage Herald blog by Jo Roesen every week plus other weekly work by Pway Dept .
    Jo also gives us excellent informative reports on his visits to other heritage railways to cheer us up in these difficult times . john M.

  3. Ron,
    Have you wheeled that slab all the way from H K, or did it just feel like it?

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed the blog. Well done.

  5. David Pesterfield8 October 2020 at 13:14

    Jules22 Check out the Heritage Herald blog as that gives updates of work on the bridge component manufacture

  6. may I inform Jules that the Broadway footbridge is now featured in the Heritage Herald Blog by Jo Roesen as the Broadway Extension blog has finished.

    Jo reports weekly on the footbridge and other heritage matters as well as Pway Dept work and also his visits to other heritage railways .john M.
