Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Wet & Dry

Monday 21st October

Not many in at Broadway Station today. 3 volunteers who according to the weather forecast were expecting a dry day got thoroughly wet.

Tony and Peter K fixing the fence supports to the container compound, that is for recycle and rubbish that is collected when the station is open. Vic trying to move some of the top soil around the drive area.
Other team members were at Winchcombe and Toddington.

Peter Q, Dave and Brian were at Churchward house, Winchcombe doing a bit of stud wall erecting, no pictures of the before but one of during and one of the final work.

Wednesday 23rd October

Today was very misty to start with but eventually the sun came out, also a large contingent  of volunteers.

An area was cordoned off for grass seed to be applied which will have picnic benches. Also later a sweep of pine needles was made to clean up the drive.


Ray was the painter today whilst Dave and Pete were working on a running in board.

Brian was sorting out one of the storage containers and Pat was cutting the grass on platform 2.

It was a busy day passenger wise, keeping me busy as Station Assistant meeting and greeting folk as they arrived. The "Goods Shed" had many visitors and purchased a few items to help FOBS in their fund raising. (Thank You).



  1. Thanks for an interesting blog vic. Am looking forward to my visit next Saturday with family.

  2. I think there's a 'before' picture on the C+M blog.

