Friday, 7 March 2025

New Season Starts

 Week Commencing 3rd March 2025


Saturday and Sunday saw the start of the new season , but no trains have appeared at Broadway when we are working , another couple of week before that.

Still quiet on platform 2 , too cold on Monday but Wednesday had seen more bricklaying at the rear and the door frames placed in the inside , ready for installation ?.

6 around on Monday , Vic gave both of the barriers the wood preserve treatment.

Mike was painting the spear fencing.

Vic moved onto treating the small garden by the sign.

Its that time of year when the trains start to run and the gas bottles on the RBR and RMB need attention. As Pat is no longer with us Ian has stepped into helping me. It was a bit of a struggle . with 8 bottles needing changing just on the RBR at least it wasnt raining.. 

Chris weeded the car park garden , whilst Kevin cleaned up on platform 2.


4 around .

Mike was back on the spear fencing

There was unsuccessful attempt to cut the hedge from the next door neighbours garden , the hedge is about 8 foot from our side , and only 3 foot from the other . trouble is its about 6 foot wide at the top and the hedge trimmer wont reach !

Mike took to the platform edge , trying to finish the job.

Ian , Kevin and Myself are going on a Brush cutter and trimmier course in the next couple of weeks .This used to be Pats expertise. we decided to see what we had in the fuel store hut . and have a clear out.

We got out and tested the 2 decent bits of kit.

Everything got taken out and got sorted .

Which left us with a nice clean hut !


Friday, 28 February 2025

Maintenance Week !5 and were there !

 Week Commencing 24th February 2025


5 volunteers around today, doing last minute jobs to get the station ready for the opening day of the new season.

Firstly it was put the platform furniture out Over the years of putting it back out we still forget where it goes , but who knows ?

Mike had a bit of pressure washing to do by the stairs.

Vic finally got to the bottom of the drive fence with the wood treatment .

Myself pressure washed the stairs wood and steel work.

Neal fitted the new manhole at the bottom of the drive with a bit more robust version , Ian and Keith hope fully cleaned up after him.

Ian and Kevin put and refixed the barrier up at the end of platform 1 

Last week the trees that were cut down were replaced by saplings , 9 on platform 1 and 2 on platform 2 .

Jo was working on the Midland Railway bench in the old mess room.


I couldn't attended but those that did only had to take down the coverings off the running boards and do a bit of sweeping up.

But I think were are there ready for the new season  which starts this Saturday .


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Maintenance week 14 Nearly There !

 Week Commencing 17th February 2025


Just the 4 of us on another gloomy Monday !

It was too wet for Mike to paint the platform edge so he did a spot of platform edge cleaning over on platform 2.

I changed the dodgy tap on the electrical box at the south end of platform 1.Mainly so I could use the pressure washers !

We decided that the weather wasn't going to get much better that day , so a trip to the local hardware shop to procure a tin of Vanilla paint was needed. This got Mike out of the weather and into the Station Masters office.

Mean while the sun came out ( as it does occasionally ) and time to tackle the ever growing bird poo on platform 1.
Brush and pressure washer eventually cleaned up the area . another problem around that area is the large lake in the photo that forms every time it rains . what to do ?

The reason for Mike painting the wall of the Station Masters office was it had had the clock on the wall and when it had been removed it left quite a few holes and marks . Mike soon made it like new.

Kevin moved down the drive to plant a few more plants .


Weather a bit better but still threatening to rain.

Over on platform 2 nothing much happening far too cold and damp.

Mike had a go at painting the white platform line , hopefully it would dry before it started to rain.

After a few dry ish days it was decided to have a go at the bonfire. It was a bit Smokey but luckily mostly steam ! 

After an intensive 2 min training course Kevin was introduced to  " Billy " The 3 of us gave the drive way a good going over.

Chris and Dave were back in the shed , still sorting the insulation out , ibis time on the side wall.

Keeping out of the rain showers Mike tackled the lamp cleaning under the canopy.

Just one week to the start of the season , weather has had its effect on what we could have achieved , but we shall be ready .


Thursday, 13 February 2025

Maintenance Week 13

 Week Commencing 10th February 2025


Forget it , just Vic and myself but the rain forecasted to start at 12 o clock started early . Vic did 2 fence panels and then gave up. I kept busy in the container 2 , whilst Jo was in the mess hut rubbing down his Midland bench . By lunch time enough was enough.


Just as cold but not as wet !

Over on platform 2 nothing is stirring , much too cold and wet . 

Mike was over on platform 2 cleaning the platform edge .

After the installation was finished on the rear wall of the shed , Chris and Dave were re fixing the shelving back into its rightful positions.

Mike had a go at the lamps , tops and glass all cleaned.

And bless him Kevin still fighting with the clay on the garden , plants are slowly going in if they want to or not .

Hoping for a better week next week as there are only few more weeks before the new season , still more to do .


Friday, 7 February 2025

Maintenance Week 12

 Week Commencing 3rd February 2025


Just the 3 of us today . Mike , Kevin and Myself.

Kevin busied himself on the platform garden , finding out that the clay doesn't like being dugout !

Mike having finished cleaning the white line on platform 1 managed to paint 3 panels of spear fencing.

Myself was in our workshop container doing a general clear out before going shopping for necessities .

We were joined by the guys on platform 2 . John was working on the Internal block work and insulation .


Work carried on in the goods shed , the water heater in the café had its service , but a small group of us headed north to Pat`s " Informal celebration of life."


Friday, 31 January 2025

Maintenance Week 11

 Week Commencing 27th January


4 of us braved the cold but dry Monday .

The last of the refurbished bins was placed under the stairs , showing off its newly painted lid !

Vic was down the drive after using up the last of the wood treatment on the fence, then decided to clear some of the debris away from the last weeks storm.

Mike decided to give the platform edge a good clean off .

And Kevin was working on his edging to the small garden. Myself was in container 1 sorting out the life expired paint .


Down to 3 volunteers , sickness in the air .

Over on platform 2 , no brick laying , days and nights are too cold still . But Neil and Jo have been at work clearing the rear of the building and transpoting the soil into the trucks.

Mike got way past the station canopy with his edge cleaning , you can tell the difference from the photo .

Later he went back to the Spear Fencing and gave a couple of panels a coating of light stone paint.

There was a big unloading at the end of the day , the delivery of the Door and window frames, and glass  for the platform 2 building . just need to find a proper storage place until its needed !
