Thursday, 25 January 2024

Not so cold !

 Week commencing 22nd January 2024

Weather was kinder for our 2 days at Broadway this week , one of the first things to do is to see how the Platform 2 team were getting on. Considering there are only 3 of them they seamed to be doing well.

Footings look to be complete , trenches to get the service ducts to the new building also looked to be complete and were being filled back in .

The weekend storm had brought down the Herris fencing !

Dave was being helped on the Cheltenham bins by Ian seen smoothing off the edges.

Brian was in the Station Masters office filling in the holes left by the removed clock .

Jo was seen in a hole  !  The new building required another hole to be made through  the platform foundations to take the rain water into the track bed central drain . Not an easy job .


A new hole on the cutting to the south of the platforms .  Badgers or Foxes ?

Nearby a skull of a young Badger , but nothing else around, strange. 

The wind was in the right direction this time so Vic and Ian had another go at getting a fire going.

Pat was having another go at removing a tree stump.

Vic brought more storm debris to the fire.

Up by the bridge Brian and Peter K were giving the new sales shed a coat of wood preservative to match our Broadway shed. 

Southern end of platform 1 saw Mike rubbing down the spear fencing and Pat collecting yet more debris from the weekends storms.

Dave was working on the bin lids , whilst Ian was putting the screw holes in the rubber feet .

By the end of the day Brian and Peter had finished the shed , now we have 2 matching sheds !
but still 1 too many we think !


Thursday, 18 January 2024

Its Cold Out there !

 Week Commencing 15th January 2024

2 days of very cold weather !! Enough said.


4 turned out on a freezing Monday morning , the route to the station car park was blocked by a large crane assisting in the removal of other Pine tree which is past it sell by date .

Top of the drive 1 less tree , the tree was cut up and the resulting chopped wood soon disappeared to the many wood burners !

Over on platform 2 , Neal, John and Jo were beavering away , filling the second truck with spoil from the new footings.

Meanwhile a number of small jobs were in hand in the station buildings , Brian refixing the light fitting in the Kitchen , which had come loose !

Billy had a test run , with its new attachment on the drive way , cleaning up the debris from the area of the removed tree. 

Dave was working on waste bin number 2.


Another stay in bed day but 5 turned up .

Ian and Peter decided to light the fire , Bad Idea . There was no wind but the smoke headed over to the residential area .Must have been the overly damp vegetation 

It was decided to extinguish it  , just at Pat turned up with 2 bags of debris .

Dave got a hand from Peter and Ian cutting shaped wood for the bins.

Pat had a go breaking down an old tree stump. and Brian was in the Station Masters office redecorating the area where the Clock had been.

The lads over on platform 2 looked to have 2/3 rds. of the footing done , and were filling up truck number 3 with the spoil.


Thursday, 4 January 2024

Back to It

 Wednesday 3rd January 2024

First day at Broadway for the 4 of us , New year starts much as the same as last year finished.

Brian and Dave did a bit of a bench shuffle in the ladies , one newly varnished bench was taken out and another took its place.

Peter K after he had finished knotting moved onto priming one of the new Cheltenham bins , whilst Dave was on frame making.

Ian gave the ramp that's used by the goods shed a new coat of paint. 

And finally Brian and Ian had a wrestling match with the Billy Goat , trying to fit the hose attachment so we can pick up the needles and cones from the track bed between the platforms. 
