Monday 21st November 2022
Miserable Morning an even more Miserable Afternoon , rained most of the day , but it didn't stop 4 of us volunteers turning out to see the arrival of a large team of Tree fellers.
Vehicle's and kit all over the drive,.6 Old trees had to be removed, down the drive and one by the Signal Box.
A small tracked vehicle made light work picking up smallish branches and putting them in the chipping Machine.
Further down the Mobile Crane was helping in the chopping down of the larger stuff.
I would have taken more photos but it was pouring down by now, so of I went to find shelter and leave them to it.
There are quite a few videos from Michael Peers on the GWSR Facebook sites of the days action.
Back to team of 4 , Brian was giving the Bench a second coat of the brown stuff. Dave had finished the refurbishment of the first of the waste bins, and sent it over to Cabin 3 for the winter.

Ian refitted the sign on the newly painted post.
Peter Q was making more handles for the Truggs
Out of the rain in the afternoon Dave and Ian were working on the running in Board,
On my way home , and down the drive a few gaps had appeared where there once were trees , also a bit of damage was seen to the fence. Leave in to the Maintainace gang on Wednesday !!