Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Monday 25th July 2022

After last Monday's forget it day , thankfully this Monday was a much better day weather wise , 7 volunteers were out trying to keep on place looking tidy for the customers.

On my arrival the lads were on the drive, the dry weather had caused the trees to drop a fair amount of cones and needles, so out with the brushes.

The two Peters were working their way up the drive.

Tony in the middle and myself at the top.

Elsewhere Brian was cutting which looked like brown grass ? and Ian was keeping the garden under control.

Michael was top coating the Station windows on the car park side.

One thing that sells well at the Broadway Goods Shed are our homemade trugs .

All made out of scrap wood . Only a £10 for the station funds .

An end in site with the construction of the new waste bins for Toddington , this is the first one to have its lid fitted, just needs its legs sorted and a bit of touching up .

This weekend sees our Diesel Gala , along with our own fleet the star of the show will be the  " Deltic "  " Royal Highland Fusilier ".


Monday, 18 July 2022

Far too Hot !!

 Monday 18th July 2022

They said it was going to be hot and it was .

Pat and Dave had a few early hours at Toddington changing 2 sets of gas bottles and up at Broadway Peter and Ian also had an early start to water the garden plants .

Come 10 o clock the temperature was inching into the 30`s , time to go home.

Try again Wednesday 


Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Another Hot one !

Monday 11th July 2022

Another hot day at Broadway , started off reasonable but it soon became uncomfortable .

Peter Q was the early bird , before anybody else had arrived he had already watered his plants on the drive way and was seen weeding the general area.

Ian was giving the platform garden a good watering.

Brian had a new toy which he was testing out ( Battery powered strimmer )

Mike brought his own shade so he could give the gate and various other locations a bit of  a touch up. he eventually moved around to the front of the station to paint the surrounds of the windows.

Ian was found later in the driveway garden doing a bit of weeding.

Dave cleared a pile of cut grass and brambles from the area Pat had cut the previous Wednesday.

Then he went back to making handles for the Truggs, that Peter Q puts together ,and we then sell in the Broadway shed .

Talking of the Shed , Julie informs me that they are looking for good quality Bric a brac to sell , old books , paperback and puzzles all sell , and the proceeds go towards keeping the station up together.

By lunchtime the temperature was hitting the high 20`s and getting hotter , too hot for doing most things so we called it a day.
