Monday 16th December
Only 9 sleeps for Santa. Keith & Peter offering mince pies at The North Pole. Vic in the car park at Cheltenham have been helping Santa on the railway!
Today was brushing up the station at Broadway some had little brushes some had large brushes and one volunteer who had none.
Here is Keith and Ian brushing up Platform 1.
Mike is using a small brush, first on the bench, then on windows.
Jo has a dustpan but cannot find a brush. (Ahh!)
If your looking for a piece of wood then see a carpenter, Dave being very helpful.
Dave was also producing another leaflet box, both sawing and planing.
Another one with a brush was John painting corrugated sheets.
Neal having found his piece of wood made good use of it.
Wednesday (25th) oops 18th gosh I was a week early then.
Today it was the usual Pine Needles clean up day. This was to get everything ready for the Station reopening on Boxing Day. When Vic suggested they all come in on the day before he got a resounding on your bike. OK they had other things to do!.
At the entrance to the drive Dave and Brian resurrected the Broadway Station sign post. The flower display is very good.
John was adding further coats of paint to corrugated sheets.
Vic finished adding top soil to the platform 1 garden.
A boundary marker post has been installed.
Four P/Way team came to inspect the ballast wagons ready for the new year.
Brian being too heavy handed with the lawn rake ended up with no teeth.
Keith and Ian sorted out the tool stores with a big tidy up. Ian who is a big lad stated that anyone, would have him to deal with if things are not put back in their proper place. Whooer!!
It wasn't me sir it was him!!!!!
No Blogs for the next couple of weeks so we, hope all our readers have Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year .
Vic and Dave
Back again next year.