Thursday, 19 December 2019

Brushing Up

Monday 16th December

Only 9 sleeps for Santa. Keith & Peter offering mince pies at The North Pole. Vic in the car park at Cheltenham have been helping Santa on the railway!
Today was brushing up the station at Broadway some had little brushes some had large brushes and one volunteer who had none.

Here is Keith and Ian brushing up Platform 1.

Mike is using a small brush, first on the bench, then on windows.

Jo has a dustpan but cannot find a brush. (Ahh!)

If your looking for a piece of wood then see a carpenter, Dave being very helpful.

Dave was also producing another leaflet box, both sawing and planing.

Another one with a brush was John painting corrugated sheets.

Neal having found his piece of wood made good use of it.

Wednesday (25th) oops 18th  gosh I was a week early then.

Today it was the usual Pine Needles clean up day. This was to get everything ready for the Station reopening on Boxing Day. When Vic suggested they all come in on the day before he got a resounding on your bike. OK they had other things to do!.

At the entrance to the drive Dave and Brian resurrected the Broadway Station sign post. The flower display is very good.

John was adding further coats of paint to corrugated sheets.

Vic finished adding top soil to the platform 1 garden.

A boundary marker post has been installed.

Four P/Way team came to inspect the ballast wagons ready for the new year.

Brian being too heavy handed with the lawn rake ended up with no teeth.

Keith and Ian sorted out the tool stores with a big tidy up. Ian who is a big lad stated that anyone, would have him to deal with if things are not put back in their proper place. Whooer!!

It wasn't me sir it was him!!!!!

No Blogs for the next couple of weeks so we, hope all our readers have Merry Christmas and a  Happy New Year .

Vic and Dave

Back again next year.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Never put it off !

Wednesday 11th December 2019

The few volunteers that appeared on Monday carried on with the usual jobs.

Mike on Painting duties , giving the new bench a coat of Chocolate paint.
Ian was on brush too , sweeping the needles.

And Dave removed the GWR Broadway sign from the bottom of the drive . The rain had started to take the paint off the top of the sign. so Dave made a roof to sit on the top, it was then sealed and screwed into place , rubbed down and two layers of primer and undercoat applied.

Paint had dried by mid afternoon , mainly because it was quiet a decent day weather wise. The same forecast was down for Wednesday , so lets wait till then !

Never trust the weather forecast, we never learn.

Ian had helper in young Dave , lots of wind means lots of needles and bits of broken branches. That and cleaning out the drains kept them busy most of the day !

Some thing we didnt put off till next week was the clearing of the platform furniture from under the station canopy. With only one Wednesday before the Xmas Break , we thought that if it was forecast rain next week , we may not have enough volunteers to do it then , so as there were more than 4 today lets do it a week early.

Just after lunch ,down came the rain, Peter Q took the sign into the warmth of the mess hut to touch up the lettering ,before handing it over to Dave to paint the top and surround.

With a steady supply of broken branches, needles and bits of wood , Brian and Peter had the making of a bonfire , even the rain failed to put out the flames, but it didnt half make a lot of steam.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

FOBS Christmas Lunch

Saturday 7th December

Today was a gathering of Friends of  Broadway Station and Broadway Area Group for a Christmas Lunch at the Broadway Hotel in the village.

First though is a new sign at the front of Broadway Station entrance.

Most diners were casually dressed but Peter had a magnificent waist coat and flashy tie, seen here sitting next to his wife.

Top Table

Long Table

Left Corner Table

Right Corner Tables

An excellent venue and a very hot delicious meal. A raffle with many prizes ended off the day.


Thursday, 5 December 2019

Minus Two Degrees

Monday 2nd December

It seemed as though Dec was reminding us it can get cold. Brrrrr. Scrape the ice. Brrrr.

December is the start of Santa Trains and some of Broadway volunteers become one of Santa Elves. Here is Vic at The North Pole (alias Winchcombe Station) for the Charity Train.

Santa has arrived at Broadway also a Christmas Tree.

David and Peter defrosted the Ice-cream fridge ready for next year and started assembling another bench adding the feet.

It was not needles and pinsa but needles and leavesa. Tony and Keith removing large amount off the trackbed and Ian leaves off the north end of platform 1. The barrow loads all ended up on the bonfire.

Vic was down the drive moving the heap.

Neal, John and Jo were all busy with Footbridge items. Neal up the stairs, John and Jo painting.

Wednesday 4th December

Bridge work continued with John reducing the pile of unpainted wood and Neal up on the stairs again. Perhaps he never moved??

A different crew was removing pine needles from the track bed today Peter K down below and Ian with the barrow and keeping fit tracking to and fro from the bonfire which had been lit today. With the wind in the right direction so as not to disturb our neighbors Tony was the fire lighter and Chris stopped to have a chat.

Clive moving closer to the station was back at painting the wooded fencing. In the first photo a visitor from the Caravan Club was learning on the progress at Broadway.

In the messroom Tony, Dave and Peter Q were repairing some model railway pieces, a canopy to a station building and a roof on a signal box.

The Running in Board for Hales Abbey Halt was transported to the station and attached to the posts.
Brian, Dave and Peter being the volunteers to carry out the project.

And by chance, a passing " Foremarke Hall " was seen on its journey to Winchcombe

Finally the bench which Dave and Peter were assembling on Monday is complete, now awaiting drier weather to complete painting.

As on Monday Vic continued with the top soil removal.
